22 August 2012


"It is difficult for adults to be so at play with daily tasks in the world. What we do of necessity can drag us down, and all too often the repetitive and familiar become not occasions for renewal, but dry, stale, lifeless activity. When washing dishes, I am no better than anyone else at converting the drudgery of the work into something better by means of playful abandon.

The contemplative in me recognizes the sacred potential in the mundane task. even as the terminally busy go-getter resents the necessity of repetition. But, as Soren Kierkegaard reminds us, 'Repetition is reality, and it is the seriousness of life...repetition is the daily bread which satisfies with benediction.' Repetition is both as ordinary and necessary as bread, and the very stuff of ecstasy." ~Kathleen Norris

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