01 January 2013


"It is but right that our hearts should be on God, when the heart of God is so much on us. If the Lord of glory can stoop so low as to set His heart on sinful dust, methinks we should easily be persuaded to set our hearts on Christ and glory, and ascend to Him, in our daily affections, who so much condescends to us. Christian, dost thou not perceive that the heart of God is set upon thee? And that He is still minding thee with tender love, even when thou forgettest both thyself and Him? Is He not following thee with daily mercies, moving upon thy soul, providing for thy body, preserving both? Doth He not bear thee continually in the arms of His love, and promise that all things shall work together for thy good, and suit all His dealings to thy greatest advantage, and give His angels charge over thee? How canst thou be taken up with the joys below and forget thy Lord who forgets not thee?" ~Richard Baxter

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