20 March 2013

i will never walk the trail alone

"Once I hiked in the mountains with Thomas Crickett and some friends of his...Each walked at his own pace on that hike, some faster than others. There were beautiful things to see along the trail up to Mount Hood, but I seldom looked. I was busy watching my feet, thinking as I walked. I thought about what would happen when I reached the top, if I would be too tired to come back down. I remembered things I should have done before I left. Always a busy mind. Suddenly I looked up and found myself alone, no one else on the trail, no sounds except the wind. I thought I missed a fork in the trail and was ashamed I didn't pay attention, thinking of past things or future, but never of where I am. I stopped to see if those behind me would catch up. 'Then I will know I am on the right path,' I decided. But they might be following me and have taken the wrong fork as well! So I picked up my pace to catch those in front, and when I spied Thomas Crickett's familiar coat in the distance, I was overwhelmed with relief. It wasn't until later, when one of that group told me they had taken a wrong turn, wandered about before finding the main trail again.

And so I think of this, Why do I spend time on my trail wondering about those I follow or those behind me, letting my mind wander into what lies ahead or what has passed? I lose sight of the way, pay no attention to what is happening now, end up doing foolish things...Something kept me from the present. And then I knew. It was because the only one there with me on the trail when I walk alone is me. Someone so unworthy that I did not wish to share her time...Until I listened to my Spirit, the One they call the Lord, the One who called my name...This Spirit said I do not need to be afraid. He will give me people, things I need, tasks to do, direction. And I will never walk the trail alone as long as I will listen." ~from Love To Water My Soul by Jane Kirkpatrick

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