28 May 2013

His delight

"Remember that when with thine understanding thou goest forth to find God, in order to rest in Him, thou must place neither limit nor comparison with thy weak and narrow imagination. For He is infinite beyond all comparison; He is through all and in all, and in Him are all things. Himself thou wilt find within thy soul, wherever thou shalt seek Him in truth, that is, in order to find thyself. For His delight is to be with us, the children of men, to make us worthy of Him, though He hath no need of us.

In meditation do not be so tied down to certain points that thou wilt meditate on them alone; but wherever thou shalt find rest, there stop and taste the Lord, at whatever step He shall will to communicate Himself to thee...And having found the end, we need be no longer anxious as to the means laid down to attain it. One of the hindrances to true peace and quietness is the anxiety and thought we give to such works, binding the spirit and dragging it after one thing or another; insisting that God should lead it by the path we wish, and forcing it to walk along the road of our own imagining; unconsciously caring more to do our own will in this case than the will of our Lord; and this is nothing else but to seek God by flying from Him and to wish to please Him without doing His will. If thou desire really to advance in this path, and to reach the desired end, have no other purpose, no other wish, than to find God; and wheresoever He wills to manifest Himself to thee, there quit all else and go no farther till thou have leave. Forget all other things and rest thee in the Lord." ~Lorenzo Scupoli

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