07 September 2012

rejoice in the trembling

"We tremble at the thought of eternity, and well we may; but if the fear was turned to good account, we should soon learn to rejoice in trembling. To those who yield unrestrainedly to their passions, the thought of eternity must needs be terrible. Yet they too might well pause and think whether they do well to sacrifice an eternal future to the moment of time now passing. Those who cling tightly to the hopes and joys of this life may tremble to feel that what they cherish most is gliding from beneath their grasp, and eternity alone remains. But then arises the question, why not seek that which endureth forever rather than that which is but as foam upon the sea, as lightning in the midnight sky? Some timid souls shrink from the thought of the possible condemnation, and loss of that blessed eternity promised to the faithful.

But let such remember that God loves them better than they love themselves; that He has given them unfailing means of salvation if they will but use such means. Their overweening fearfulness comes of self...from measuring God by their own poor standard, rather than themselves by His boundless greatness. They have not looked chiefly at His Glory, His Will, His Love, but at themselves. Let them look higher, and fear will yield to love; peace will come to their souls, and eternity will cease to dismay them." ~Jean Nicolas Grou

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